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Quick Details

Winter trip

NOK 1155

Summer trip

trip without instructor

NOK 715

Healthy & refreshing – take a dip in the Trondheim Fjord after a kayak trip!

Paddle along the river Nid and complete the experience on a floating sauna.


4,5 hours


This perfect recreational tour starts at Tempe. Here you will get a short safety briefing before hand and then continue on an easy kayak tour downstream river Nid. We are paddling past Trondheims beautiful historical waterfront and may teach some easy paddling techniques on the way. We will head towards Nyhavnas new sauna at Havet arena. With the backdrop of Lade hill and the remnants of WW2 – Dora bunker a new suburb of Trondheim is in the making.

The new sauna offers heated changing facilities and showers. Relax and reboot your body and take a dip in the Trondheim Fjord like many Norwegians do daily. This tour is beginners friendly.

Included in price

• Double kayaks, (singel for single padlers)
• Paddles and all necessary safety equipment
• Transport of the kayak
• 20min about paddling techniques and rules

• 2,5 hours in sauna ( Swimming suit is required to wear in sauna)